Pottery painting in Magna Garecia, in the regions of Apulia and Leukania,
had significantly bloomed after 440 B.C., when many Greek potters and
vase painters settled in Magna Graecia. At first, some workshops were
created from Herakleia down to Taranto, and after that, they expanded
on to Apulia, Leukania and Sicily. The themes, the style and several
depictions on the pottery of this particular era, are carried through
with an original and somewhat “modernist” approach, differing from
the more classical forms of the Attic and Corinthian workshops, thus
creating in the centuries a particular school, which, among others,
managed to convey a sense of depth and flowing movement.
Ajax the Lesser rapes Cassandra (360 B.C., Museum of Napoli) |
Male and Female Dancers (410 B.C., Museum of Taranto) |