He was born in Zakynthos but lived in Livorno, Firenze (where he met Ugo Foscolo)
London, Geneva and Corfu, where he taught at the Ionian Academy. Influenced by
by Classicism and Romanticism, he wrote the “Odes” (
Lyre, 1824
Lyrics, 826) along with works in Italian amongst which is an “Ode
to the Ionians” (“
Ode agli Ionii”, 1814). He is considered one of the
most important Modern Greek poets.
Oh, wondrous island
Never have I forgotten thee,
Sweet is the death
Only when we are asleep
In homeland.
ah mai
di te Zacintho mia
Ch’ io mi scordi non fia
di te Zacinto mia.
fra i colli tuoi frondosi
vorrei come il mio primo
dar l’ ultimo sospiro.
( « Ode )
A manuscript of Andreas Kalvos |
The cenotaph of Ugo Foscolo with the sculpture "Spirit that mourns". |